IMT Lighting

Proven maintenance free solution provider for Helideck Lighting, Navigational-Aids, and General Lighting.

IMT is recognized as the developer and supplier of customized maintenance free industrial lighting solutions for these types of applications and situations.

The solutions that IMT can provide reduce dramatically maintenance budget expenditure and consequently increase production capacity and effectiveness.


Helideck Lighting

Maintenance free solution for Helideck Lighting Package [more info…]
Perimeter lights, Flood lights, Aeronautical Obstruction light, Status light, Repeater light, Illuminated Windsock.Helideck%20Lighting_1

Circle & H Lighting

Developed with close guidance from the CAA and in full accordance with the requirements of CAP437, IMT’s CIRCLE-H TD/PM Lighting System provides the optimum solution to illuminate the helideck apart from the use of floodlights. [more info…]

Navigational Aid System

Maintenance free solution for marine signalization, full accordance to IALA standards. [more info…] Marine lantern, Subsidiary marine lights, Foghorns.