NORSAR (NORwegian Seismic ARray) is an internationally recognized, independent, not-for-profit, research foundation within the field of geo-science providing advanced, innovative products and solutions to customers in the public and private sectors. NORSAR has its headquarters at Kjeller, North- East of Oslo, Norway.
Seismic modelling methods developed by NORSAR provide value-added services to oil companies, seismic contractors and consultant companies. A software product oriented R&D philosophy ensures short time to market for the results from NORSAR petroleum research activities. Software for seismic modelling and imaging, known under brand names as NORSAR-2D/3D, VelRock and SeisRoX, is made commercial, marketed and sold worldwide by NORSAR’s wholly owned subsidiary NORSAR Innovation AS.
NORSAR 2D/3D ray-tracing
• Simulation of all kinds of seismic surveys in all kinds of sub-surface models (including VTI/TTI anisotropy)
• Generation of illumination maps on target level or in shot/receiver domain
• Studies on expected target fold, simulated migration amplitude, aperture, travel time, angle and offset relationships, and many more
• Synthetic seismograms
• PSDM travel time tables
• Target based
• Simulation of shot records and illumination maps
• Survey planning, interpretation support
SeisRoX local imaging
• State-of-the-art rock physics modelling technology
• Fast and flexible 2D/3D PSDM simulation for complex targets and overburden
• Easy use, based on workflows
• Consistent with survey, wavelet, overburden and reservoir properties
• Output of illumination and resolution characteristics (both vertical and lateral resolution)
• No 1D assumptions and limitations
• No smoothness requirement as for ray tracing
• Reservoir based
• Simulation of optimum PSDM processing result
• Feasibility and sensitivity studies
• The link between rock properties and seismics
• Assessment of 4D signature of a reservoir when considering time-lapse seismic surveys.
• Fully integrated with the NORSAR-2D and NORSAR-3D software packages, but can also be used as a standalone applicationeismic surveys.